Returns and Exchanges

We want you to love your new BioVibe Product and gladly accept returns for products purchased on within 90 days of the order delivery date.

Your refund will be issued in the same form as the original payment including shipping within 90 days of receiving your return order. If your credit card has expired or we cannot refund your account for any reason, we will issue your refund in the form of store credit or gift card. We can only accept returns if the merchandise was directly purchased from or a registered BioVibe Affiliate.

To begin the return or exchange process, please fill out the form below. You will receive an email within 48 hours with instructions on how to return or exchange your product.

For any other product related questions please CLICK HERE to go to our "Contact Us" page.

Product Return Form

Please use the contact form below to start the return process.
Fields with darker border are required fields, others are optional.
In the comments section, briefly describe any issues you have with the
product(s)and the best way to contact you, time to call, etc.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
If you have or suspect you have a specific condition or disease,
please contact your healthcare provider.

© 2020 BioVibe® Products